Nursery Pedagogy
Nursery Pedagogy

Funshine Day Nurseries Pedagogy
Here are Funshine (LTD), our pedagogy represents how we use a specific selection of techniques to achieve excellent outcomes for the children who attend our settings. The areas we have implemented are the following: Curriculum (Repetition and application), Enabling environments, safe, fit and healthy, self-regulation and behaviour, home learning/ parents partnerships and harmonious relationships. By implementing the following areas into our practice, we have created an educational stimulating yet fun environments for all children.
We thrive to mould the minds of children, so they become confident, knowledgeable, independent, mathematical, literate, social, ambitious, and resilient before attending school. We expand on how we meet these specific areas below. Using categories, we will explain how to have adapted our educational environment, practice, and teaching style to create the best possible outcomes for all children.
Curriculum (Repetition and application)
By using the development matters and EYFS guidelines we have created our own strategy which is based around the idea that learning is strengthened through repetition and application. By repeating activities, we are cementing the knowledge and skills that we would like the children to learn. Children’s development is monitored through use of a tapestry online journal where we can log children’s strengths and weaknesses. Each child’s key worker will write 2 short reports per term using their own knowledge about the children (their abilities and their interests) to create achievable, yet aspiring targets. To be able to monitor these targets we use the Leuven scale approach where we monitor the children’s engagement and well-being levels to ensure they are learning organically yet effectively. Throughout their learning journeys we present opportunities for summer born children particularly boys, to ensure that they have the skills and understanding to be ready for school.
The baby room ethos is based around the idea that the prime area of learning are paramount in the early months of life. To ensure the babies are achieving these important milestones, the baby room staff have introduced a ‘baby brain gym’ and a ‘Sing and rhyme time’ session twice a week. They also use simple sign language to help babies to be able to express their wants and needs and encourage them to use basic language. We aim for the babies to understand and be able to use the mathematical language 1-3 to commence their understanding and application of number.
The toddler room ethos carries over all the elements of the baby room but creates more structured learning experiences. The toddler room focus on cementing the children’s understanding and application of number to 5. The expansion of the signing program helps toddlers to begin to understand their emotions together with new spoken vocabulary.
We use a ‘Special book’ where toddlers learn through repeat and application. Meaningful new words are introduced into their everyday play with an emphasis on sounds. Syllables allow the children to hear the full pronunciation of new words. Props help toddlers understand the concept of the book producing a language rich environment.
As children progress into the pre-school room the learning is much more structured. The children participate in small groups twice a day. In the morning sessions the children follow a ‘letters and sounds’ curriculum and the afternoon they focus on mathematics. We feel it is important for children to create a strong understanding of basic mathematical concepts of numbers 0 to 10. They will learn what each number represents, where each number is placed in order, one less than, one more than and all number blending to 10. With these vital concepts of number, 11 to infinity will be a natural progression with a higher degree of comprehension.
Pre-school children focus on various immersive stories which are chosen from the children’s interests. The rich learning environment stimulates imagination which supports expansive vocabulary and literacy experiences as the children play. Each Immersive story provides opportunity for children to repeatedly practice what they have learnt.
The use of artists such as Vicent Van Gogh and Jackson Pollack help children learn different artistic techniques and gain knowledge of the art world.
The children learn from their outside communities by regular experiences outside the nursery environment. These include ‘Woodland Adventures’, swimming lessons, visits to local businesses and everyday hustle and bustle of our daily lives.

Enabling environments
Here at Funshine we know that the environment is the third educator. Through the use of our Reggio Emilie inspired approach we have created educational stimulating and a safe place for children to be able to express themselves and learn to a high standard. Our environment is a place that is welcoming, culturally representative of community, embraces nature and natural resources and it is filled with purposeful materials. The layout of the environment promotes relationships, communication, and exploration through play. Materials are thoughtfully added to the environment to promote creativity, thinking and problem-solving skills, questions, experimentation, and open-ended play. We ensure the children also learn about inclusion, diversity, and gender equality through play, conversation, and positive imagery throughout the environment.
Safe, fit, and healthy
Through the use of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, we understand that basic needs of every child must be met for them to achieve their maximum potential. Ensuring that each child is safe, fit and healthy provides the platform that is needed to promote the highest level of learning.
The children are encouraged to take lead in their environment by taking ownership in their daily routines such as self-care, serving themselves at meal times, taking their plates for washing up, cleaning their own faces and dress/undressing themselves.

Self-regulation and behaviour
To ensure a positive start to their lives we ensure all children are taught about emotions and how to control these under challenging circumstances. We have introduced a 5-part system to help children use strategies to manage the big emotions.
- Remind yourself that others have feelings too
- Take 3 deep breaths or count to 10 slowly
- Use I language e.g. I feel, I understand
- Ask for help to solve the problem
- Take time to calm down and reassess the situation
Within the Pre-school and toddler room we have set up a solid routine for children to be able to follow. This ensured that the children are aware of what is happening, and what is going to happen next. This creates the least number of distractions and confusion within transitional periods.
We also ensure that all staff are thoroughly trained in the act of behaviour management. We believe that children need to have set boundaries of behaviour for their own safety and the safety of their peers. Within the nursery we aim to set these boundaries in a way which helps the child to develop a sense of the significance of their own behaviour, both on their own environment and those around them.
Self-regulation and behaviour
For children to be able to learn, it is important to remember that the parent’s/carers are the primary educators. With this in mind we have created a robust home learning system to ensure parents feel support and are aware of the importance of teaching children at home. Our home learning system consists of the following:
-Home learning general targets sent out every term describing the focus of the term and how this can be supported.
– A parent board which has a brief description of the home learning, how they can support this and sheets they can help themselves to.
– News letters which are sent out termly which contain information about strategies and skills regarding home learning. We also send monthly updates via email.
-Individual child next step home learning which is posted to parents on Tapestry to explain to them how they can support their child to achieve their target.
-YouTube videos of carers reading stories and signing songs so the parents can join in at home.
Parents have a strong relationship with their child’s key worker. Key workers understand their roles to build the ultimate loving and stimulating environments for children to thrive. This ensures that the child has a strong support system around them to create the best learning opportunities inside and outside the educational sector.

Harmonious relationships
For a child to feel safe and happy it is important for their relationships within the setting to be strong. Once a child has that bond it creates a platform where children will thrive and achieve. At Funshine we ensure that every child is assigned a key worker who they create a solid relationship with. However, it is important for children to trust and communicate with multiple carers within the nursery environment, this is why all carers create bonds with all the children and take opportunities to play and get to know them all.
We ensure that every interaction that the practitioners have here are positive ones, as our overall goal is for all families and children to feel safe, supported and cared for.