
- Personal, Social & Emotional
- Communication and Language
- Physical Development

- Literacy
- Mathematics
- Understanding the world
- Expressive arts and design

Settling in
We will do our utmost to make the settling in time go as smoothly as possible. Each child is an individual therefore a separate settling in plan is needed for each new child. Approximately two weeks before start date you will be asked to join us with your child, from this meeting a settling in plan will be agreed together.

Tapestry Journals
We use on-line learning journals to assess and track your children’s progress.
Each observation or page will include notes, photographs and EYFS assessments, characteristics of learning and videos. You will be encouraged to add comments and pictures to your own child’s account which you feel supports their individual learning journal. Access to your child’s journal will be password protected chosen by yourself with full control over who can view and edit them. Automatic emails will be generated for parents when new entries are made.

Applications will be dealt with on a first come first serve basis, however siblings will take priority. Children may attend nursery from 1 day to 5 days, we ask that these days are consecutive and are at one end of the week or the other. For example 3 days would be Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday or Wednesday Thursday and Friday.

All matters relating to your child will be treated as confidential, any incidents that may happen will not be discussed in public. Funshine maintain strict guidelines with regard the use of social media websites and all aspects of information technology in accordance with our Safeguarding Children Policy, available on request.

Subject to written parent consent occasionally we may take children to the park or on other simple trips. These outings are designed to support their learning and development and to provide the children with valuable experiences of different environments.

We will be happy to administer any prescribed medication provided a consent form has been completed. This will also allow us to administer one 5ml spoon of Calpol should your child develop a high temperature during the day.

Emergency Procedure
Should an emergency occur we have in place procedures to ensure the children’s’ safety. Regular drills and staff training will take place to ensure standards are upheld.

Once you have decided that you would like a place for your child please complete the enclosed registration form and return it together with a £50 non-returnable deposit.

Fees are charged as indicated below and are payable strictly monthly in advance by standing order; we regret that failure to pay fees on time may result in the cancellation of your child’s place. Full fees are payable through out the year.

Meal Times
We provide three meals a day: Breakfast served at 8:00 a.m. Lunch served at 12.00noon Tea served at 3:00 p.m.
We also provide a ‘snack time’ at 10am daily, which consists of a variety of fruit. Water is available throughout the day which the children can self-serve.
Our menu is well balanced and varied. We will cater for any dietary need your child may have in accordance with the Food Standards Agency Regulations, food allergies should be brought to our attention at enrolment. To enable you to gain a good understanding of exactly how much your child has eaten at nursery you will be able to access our food monitoring system.

Additional Needs
We do not exclude children from Nursery who have additional needs, however, prior to accepting a child we will meet with the parents and child to ensure that our facility and service meets with the child’s individual requirements. If, once the child has started with us, and an additional need is identified, specialist help from Early Years Support Team will be sought. Funshine has a Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator who works closely with parents and the Early Years Support team. We will be pleased to answer any questions you have in this respect.

Potty Training
All children potty train at different ages and in different ways. Environments other than home can have an effect on children and we actively encourage you to work together with us on this issue, to ensure your child has consistency in their routine.

Childhood Illnesses
Coughs and colds are common place, however should your child contract sickness or diarrhoea they must be kept away for at least 48 hours.
We do ask you to be mindful that your child should be well enough to be able to participate in a full and active day. For illnesses like Measles and Chicken Pox the child should be kept away for the recommended incubation periods.

First aid
Qualified First Aiders will be clearly displayed in each area of the nursery’s rooms.

Uncollected Children
A fixed late penalty fine is applicable if children are collected late. If a child has not been collected by 7.00 pm a telephone call will be made to the duty officer of social services who will investigate the matter.

Parent Partnerships
Our team has been chosen with care enabling us to create a professional yet friendly atmosphere. It is important that we spend time listening to you as parents and that you are encouraged to share information about your children’s learning and development at home. To support this further we have nominated Parent Representatives to communicate feedback on meeting your family’s needs at Funshine.
Twice a year we will hold a parent’s evening, you will be able to discuss your child’s progress. Information workshops for parents will be held termly in which we hope you will actively participate.

Smoking Policy
We operate a strict no smoking policy for staff and parents alike on the premises.

Equal Opportunities
Funshine settings employ staff solely according to their ability to care and educate. Children and staff are welcome to the nursery whatever their colour, race, creed, or religion. We aim to educate children about our multi-cultural and diverse society to promote inclusion, beliefs which are already embedded in the EYFS.

Sleeping Arrangements
We cater for children who still require a nap during the day, Sleep mats are provided for quiet relaxation. Each child will have a blanket and cushion which are laundered weekly. Sleep will be discussed and we will adhere to your wishes regarding how long or if sleep is required at all.

Fire Precautions
The premises have been inspected and approved by a fire officer. The staff and children participate in regular evacuation procedures.

Should the need arise for a complaint please do not hesitate to speak to the manager. Should your complaint not be dealt with satisfactory, you can contact Ofsted on telephone number 0300 123 1231 Piccadilly Gate, Store Street Manchester M1 2WD.

Opening Times
We are open from 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday throughout the year except Bank Holidays and a few days over the Christmas period. At our Eden Park setting we are able to offer a 8am- 6pm day as an alternative. (This offer is only available at our Eden Park setting) All absences including sickness must be paid for in full.
The opening and closing times must be strictly adhered to for registration regulations and insurance purposes.